Medina Foods

New Product Development

New Product Development

The team at Medina Food Group Ltd work collaboratively with the Trust Dietitians, Chaplains and Speech and Language Therapists to create meals that meet the needs of the diverse dietary and cultural requirements of the patients at the Hospital. Some successful projects are developing an Afro-Caribbean range, low salt meals and Childrens meals. As part of our diversity and inclusion strategy, we also offer translated menus and pictorial images of the meals. We work closely with the community to identify and meet their requirements. Our New Product Development (NPD) process travels through various stages of development, networking and taster sessions to ensure that the meals are approved by all before launch via engagement with the patients as well as the Trust catering managers and dietitians. We have a daily taste panel log for all our meals which assesses each cooked batch on sensory properties such as flavour, texture and aroma to ensure every batch is at optimum quality.